Test Score Requirements

Current and historical score requirements are for high school equivalency exams taken in ɬÀï·¬ since 1942.Ìý

Current Requirements

Minimum score requirements are determined by the test vendor.Ìý Scores from different test series or scores from a previous test series cannot be combined.

GED test - General Educational Development Test by GED Testing Service

Scores range from 100 to 200. A passing score requires a minimum of 145* on each of the four exams.

*During 2014 and 2015, the minimum score was 150.Ìý A retroactive score recalibration effective 12/31/2015 included 2014 and 2015 scores.

Historical Requirements

To earn a credential during a previous test series, requirements were determined by vendor and the date of the last exam taken.

HiSET exam - High School Equivalency Test by ETS (January 2017- August 2021)

Scores ranged from 1 to 20. A passing score required a minimum of 8 on each of the five exams, a combined score of 45, and a minimum score of 2 on the Language Arts-Writing essay.

TASC test - Test Assessing Secondary Completion by DRC (June 2017- August 2019)

Scores ranged from 300 to 800. A passing score required a minimum of 500 on each of the five exams and a minimum of 2 out of 8 points on the Writing essay.

GED 2002-2013*

2002 series scores ranged from 200 to 800. A passing score required a minimum of 410 on each of the five exams and a total score of 2250 (450 average).Ìý Scores from a previous test series could not be combined with these scores.

*A temporary waiver agreement allowed some 2002 series testing to continue through 12/31/2017.

GED 1997-2001*

A passing score required at least 40 on each of the five testsÌýand an average of 45 (225 total).

*Spanish language testing in this series continued through 12/31/2002.

GED 1959-1996

A passing score required at least 40 on each of the five tests or an average of 45 (225 total).

GED 1942-1958

A passing score required a 35 or above on each of the five tests.

Content Updated 4/7/2023


Contact Information

ɬÀï·¬ Certificate of High School Equivalency Ìý

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