Superintendent Resources and Guidance

Welcome to the Superintendent Resources & Guidance page. This page streamlines and consolidates the flow of important information from the state to school district superintendents in order to help them and their leadership teams solve problems. By clicking on the cards below, you can browse resources and guidance by category. Alternatively, you can search for your topic of choice directly in the search field.

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School Safety

Updated August 15, 2024

Governor's Correspondence, ɬ﷬Resources, ɬ﷬ School Safety Center, Cybersecurity, and Additional Resources

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Updated July 18, 2024

Assessment and Accountability

Academics icon


Updated August 15, 2024

Accelerated Instruction, Strong Foundations Grant Program, Instructional Materials, Instructional Framework, Reading Academies, Mathematics, CCMP, and Special Populations

educator icon

ɬ﷬ Educators

Updated August 15, 2024

Teacher Incentive Allotment, Teacher Vacancy Task Force,
Teacher Hiring Resources

grant icon

Finance & Grants

Updated September 19, 2024

State Funding, Grants, LASO, ESSER, and Other Resources

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Student & Staff Health Resources

Updated September 19, 2024

Fentanyl Response Communications Toolkit,HHSC Medicaid Info for Families, and COVID-19 Support and Guidance

To The Administrator Addressed Correspondence

ɬ﷬Correspondence entitled "To the Administrator Addressed” (TAA) are important messages of interest to school districts, charter schools, and regional education service centers. Links and attachments contained in letters published prior to January 2017 may no longer be available.

View List of TAA Correspondence

Superintendent Debriefs

2024 Debriefs

2023 Debriefs

2022 Debriefs

2021 Debriefs

2020 Debriefs