Branding Standards

Founded in 1949, the ɬ﷬ Education Agency oversees primary and secondary public education by providing leadership, guidance, and support to school systems. Our vision is to prepare every child for success in college, a career, or the military.

We have developed our brand guidelines and writing style guidelines to help everyone maintain the ɬ﷬brand. By utilizing these guidelines, you are doing your part by reinforcing our image and brand. 

Brand Guidelines


The ɬ﷬ Education Agency Brand Guidelines establishes guidance on our brand identity, voice and tone, key audiences, logo requirements, approved fonts and colors, and other visual guidance. 

Use the ɬ﷬Brand Guidelines for specific guidelines on elements associated with our brand.



Our logo is one of the most recognizable illustrations of our brand. There is one unifying logo-the ɬ﷬logo. However, there are various “lock-ups” that identify our agency and programs as part of the ɬ﷬brand. Use the ɬ﷬Brand Guidelines for specific details about logo usage.

To request the ɬ﷬logo or sub-brand logos of the agency, email

Color Palette

ɬ﷬Color Palette Squares

The ɬ﷬color palette consists of 17 colors that are grouped into three tiers: primary, secondary, and tertiary. Within each tier, there is a variety of flexibility to choose specific colors to ensure each project is visually welcoming and informative. 

Use the color palette as a quick reference for all hex, CMYK, RGB, and accessibility standards of our colors.


ɬ﷬Primary Font: Open Sans

Fonts tend to bring together all the components you need to communicate our brand. The primary font of ɬ﷬is Open Sans but there is variety and flexibility in the secondary fonts if needed. 

Use the ɬ﷬Brand Book for specific details about our fonts and shortcuts to downloads. 

Writing Style Guide


The ɬ﷬Writing Style Guide, which establishes writing, editing, formatting, and design standards for all content produced on behalf of TEA. The guidance applies to content distributed in any format, including documents, web content, slide presentations, videos, social media, and more. 

Use the ɬ﷬Writing Style Guide for specific details about writing and formatting standards. 

Contact Information

How Can We Help?

If you have questions regarding TEA’s brand or guidelines, please email us at