ɬÀï·¬ EcosySTEM

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Connecting STEM Education and the STEM Community

The ɬÀï·¬ Education Agency is excited to announce that we were accepted into the . Learning Ecosystems provide the architecture for cross-sector learning, offering all young people access to STEM-rich learning environments so they can develop important skills and engagement in science, technology, engineering and math throughout Pre-K-20. Strong STEM Learning Ecosystems feature dynamic collaborations among schools, out-of-school time programs, STEM expert institutions (such as museums, science centers, institutions of higher education and STEM professional associations), the private sector, community-based organizations, youth and families.

Formal Education PK-12 Schools, Family, Higher Education, Informal Education, Industry

ɬÀï·¬ EcosySTEM Resources

The ɬÀï·¬ Education Agency has developed tools to help districts engage with families through STEM Education programming and build awareness throughout the community by expanding learning beyond the classroom.

ɬÀï·¬ EcosySTEM Regional STEM Hubs

Each Education Service Center provides free membership for districts to join their regional ɬÀï·¬ EcosySTEM. EcosySTEM membership includes:

  • Monthly STEM communication including information from the state and federal level
  • Regional STEM goals developed by a local STEM Design Team and aligned to the local STEM labor market data
  • Regular STEM EcosySTEM meetings to share local STEM opportunities and address local concerns
  • All districts will have access to the free STEM Toolkit

ESC Contacts

Contact your Education Service Center STEM Lead to get connected to your Regional ɬÀï·¬ EcosySTEM.

Education Service Center Contact Person Email Address

Region 1 STEM Lead

Sylvia Escobar


Region 2 STEM Lead

Robert Martinez


Region 3 STEM Lead

Laura Deiss

Steven Couch



Region 4 STEM Lead Edrice Bell edrice.bell@esc4.net
Region 5 STEM Lead Johnny Vines jvines@esc5.net
Region 6 STEM Lead

Jennifer Moore


Region 7 STEM Lead Michele Stokes mstokes@esc7.net
Region 8 STEM Lead Kerri Bowles
Rebecca Baker
Lisa Ellermann
Region 9 STEM Lead Elizabeth Reynolds elizabeth.reynolds@esc9.net
Region 10 STEM Lead Samantha Bradbury samantha.bradbury@region10.org
Region 11 STEM Lead ÌýMonica Amyett mamyett@esc11.net
Region 12 STEM Lead Judy York jyork@esc12.net
Region 13 STEM Lead ÌýÌýAdrienne Arroyo adrienne.arroyo@esc13.txed.net
Region 14 STEM Lead John Lally jlally@esc14.net
Region 15 STEM Lead Beth Lehmann beth.lehmann@esc15.net
Region 16 STEM Lead

Kaylie Massie


Region 17 STEM Lead Kim Bilbrey-Mosher kbmosher@esc17.net
Region 18 STEM Lead Josh Minett joshua.minett@esc18.net
Region 19 STEM Lead Ernesto Herrera eherrera@esc19.net
Region 20 STEM Lead Angela Votion angela.votion@esc20.net

Education Service Centers Map

Map of ɬÀï·¬ showing ESC regions

Contact Information

Michelle Sedberry
Statewide STEM Coordinator